Notice anything different? (Hint: It's not just the new logo...)

As folks who have poked around on this site in the past — or even merely peeked into it — can attest, I am all about the wine. To say it’s something I am passionate about would surely be an understatement.

Since late 2023, I’ve been sharing my food and wine tasting experiences here on, and I’ve been heartened to know that more and more folks are stumbling upon the blog and finding that my self-taught knowledge and boundless enthusiasm for food and wine connects with their own interests in some way.

That’s what it’s all about, right? Sharing one’s loves and interests with other like-minded folks.

It's been both surprising and gratifying to hear from people who have enjoyed my efforts and taken the time to reach out personally to say how much they look forward to news of the various stops I am making on this journey of education, enjoyment and discovery. Thanks, everybody!

I am pleased also to say that this humble site has begun to attract the attention of folks in the wine and fine dining industries — and that has led to some amazing and unexpected opportunities for myself and my wife Dio. It’s my goal whenever possible to document those experiences here (as best I can) for the sake of posterity. Whenever I am afforded the chance to drink fine wines, try wonderful foods, meet the folks behind such things — or to tour the restaurants, facilities or vineyards where they are produced or presented, I will. And I hope you get a kick out of these adventures, and that they inspire your own personal journeys through the world of wine.

So, starting today, I will be devoting more time and energy to this site. The goal is to broaden the range of topics related to wine that I dive into, and to hopefully demonstrate that one does not need to be a scholar or expert to either enjoy or truly appreciate the subtle nuances of the grape!

We’ll be making some changes to the site over the next few months, and I hope you all will like the new look and feel of as it expands and matures. As always, I welcome any and all feedback. So, please feel free to shoot me a note and let me know your thoughts on anything I post here, as well as on the site itself, or simply wine in general. I appreciate the discourse greatly. Cheers!

~ Brad

Brad in Paris in 2006 pretending to be a “wine snob”. That’s “Prince Bouquet” (Bordeaux) in the glass - that’s about all I could afford on my wine budget at the time!


After this weekend, my heart just might be in the Highlands (post 1 of 3)


Tiny Lou's - Four Course Wine Pairing